Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Grateful, indeed.

...and so we've reach almost our 8th month as a married couple, pursuing happiness, guiding each other through our sacrifices, adoring time spent together and most importantly, eagerly waiting for our little one to be born. Such a lovely experience isn't it?

As lovely as it is, this you must know, that the journey isn’t as smooth sailing as it may seem. Sacrifices in different kinds of angle, is indeed a true companion. As an individual, I had a thought of all good things that would come my way. The bundle of joy that I could foresee in having this little child of mine wasn’t the only issue that should be having in my mind. I paid less attention to the other side of the story.

My first trimester wasn’t fun at all, mind you; Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, endless vomiting and nausea, extreme discomfort in any position and any time of the day. Nothing just seems so right. I stood patience, endured and kept praying for things to get better. Thank God baby-love was such a strong baby. Tell me about it. I was even playing touch rugby when (I didn’t know) I was 2 weeks pregnant. God’s will, isn’t it?

I am very much grateful that I have such a supportive family who gave their endless support, especially Mama, who never fail to guide me thru this almost-motherhood period. Not forgetting my lovely husband, who might not have all the time for me due to his working schedule, but definitely had done that much for us to keep going. His endless love for me that cannot be compared to another, keeps me on track indeed.

Now that I’m almost 7 months pregnant, I realise how speedy time passed. Like was it just the other day I got married? And was it just yesterday that I was told I am pregnant? Now what’s striking my dazing mind is, AM I GIVING BIRTH IN 3 MONTHS TIME (insya’Allah)? Honestly, things did come by in just a glance, didn’t they? I was just about to blend into the fact that I am married, then come pregnancy and now I’m nearing delivery. And before I know it, I would already be cuddling my little son. OH DEAR!

Then again, my heart speaks, BLISS!

For that, I’m getting all excited to welcome my little one to this world. So are the people around me. Love and I have done our shopping for baby-love. We definitely had a whole lot of fun looking at how we’ll dress him up with his oh-so-boy rompers, his cute little booties and mittens, those little caps that could fit an adult’s fist, and all the miscellaneous such as his milk bottles and pacifiers, his comfy diapers and all those lotions, shampoo, etc. Oh! Not forgetting, do you know that Body Shop now has collections for babies? Love bought his little one a set of it. How lovely!

Another exciting part is preparing the nursery room for baby-love. We’re now deciding on what colour we should paint and what furniture should we buy for the room? Mama is also sharing this happiness with us. So we happy-happy decide together. In fact, my whole family shopped together in IMM the other day. SO SYIOK, I tell you. Thank you, you all!

Baby-love, you’re getting the best from us, boy! And I define the best as not the most expensive or branded of all, but the one that’s worth buying for our little one.

FOOOH! I think I am back to being very optimistic. I must be aware that all things aren’t going to come along with joy but also sacrifice. Well well, that’s what we call life, isn’t it?

I’d love to pen my smiles further, but it seems that my mind needs a rest at this point. Not to worry as I still have about 3 months to share my joy before the date strike! HEHE!

Mummy needs to hit the sack now. So does baby-love.
Goodnight, earthlings. :D

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